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Our Projects

The Youth Parliament Initiative is committed to strengthening the political participation of young people through the implementation of a number of different projects. Our three big fields of activity are presented below.

Sector 1: Interest group for youth parliaments

Work as an interest group
We draw attention throughout Germany, wherever youth parliaments do not yet exist, to the fact that these should be founded in order to promote the constructive political participation of young people. We do this by demonstrating this possibility in exchange with politics, education and the student body. Our aim is not to promote a specific political orientation or party, but to strengthen the commitment to representative democracy as a whole.


Youth Parliament Scholarship
Through our scholarship program, we aim to enable non-partisan groups of young people to initiate a youth parliament in their local area. Through this funding, young people receive both financial and non-material support.


More information on the call for applications for the scholarship will follow soon.

Work as an interest group
We draw attention throughout Germany, wherever youth parliaments do not yet exist, to the fact that these should be founded in order to promote the constructive political participation of young people. We do this by demonstrating this possibility in exchange with politics, education and the student body. Our aim is not to promote a specific political orientation or party, but to strengthen the commitment to representative democracy as a whole.


Youth Parliament Scholarship
Through our scholarship program, we aim to enable non-partisan groups of young people to initiate a youth parliament in their local area. Through this funding, young people receive both financial and non-material support.


More information on the call for applications for the scholarship will follow soon.

Federal Conference of local Youth Representatives

In almost every area of our society, there is a network of committed people at the federal level. Thus, it is now the goal of the representatives of the young people - as they exist in large numbers in the federal states as municipal youth representations and united as umbrella associations of the federal states - to initiate a federal networking and representation. As an association at the state level, the umbrella organizations are already a complete success and, as exclusive youth associations for young people at the state level, regularly exert influence on day-to-day politics. We as an initiative want to support the valuable work of the existing umbrella organizations so that they can use their legitimacy at the federal level to bring youth issues to the forefront of federal policy. In this regard, we see our role exclusively as a non-profit service provider that acts in the sense of a support association.

Sector 2: European Youth Participation Conference

Support from the European Union
As part of our partnership with the Liechtenstein Youth Council, we are working on establishing a conference format that is supported by the European Union under the "Erasmus+" program.


Creation of a forum of exchange
With this conference, we want to create a forum of discussion in which a wide variety of speakers will discuss the political participation of young people. Furthermore, the forum will serve as a place where young people from all over Europe can network to exchange ideas and develop synergies.


Click on the logo next to this text to access the conference website.

Sector 3: Political education - "AG Parliamentarism"


Political education
The challenge in creating content of political education is that the term "politics" always has a strong subjective element immanent. In this respect, content that claims to be "political education" must be as neutral as possible and not show any partisan preference. Our pronounced non-partisanship enables us to overcome this hurdle.


Many are familiar with the so-called "MUN conferences". We want to transfer this playful and thus especially for young people attractive concept to the municipal level to develop a teaching module for simulated meetings of city councils. The delegations would be drawn from the student body of voluntarily participating schools.


More information on the "AG Parlamentarismus" will follow soon.

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